The Erotic Blueprints are like the 5 love languages - but for sexuality. The Erotic Blueprints explain the way we are wired erotically, and provide a map to your turn on.
My teacher and mentor Jaiya created the Erotic Blueprints ™ born out of the disconnect that was happening between her and her partner in the bedroom.
They were speaking different languages in their sex life and couldn’t connect the way they each wanted to, almost like Jaiya was speaking French and Ian, her partner was speaking Spanish. She felt disheartened that they could love each other so much yet feel such a deep chasm in their sex life.
This led her to discover that we are wired differently in terms of our erotic arousal and the Erotic Blueprints™ were born.
There are 5 Erotic Blueprints - sensual, sexual, energetic, shapeshifter, and kinky.
Each blueprint has gifts and shadows, and each blueprint has a particular type of touch associated with it.
The sensual blueprint is turned on by the senses - touch, sight, smell, taste, and sound.
The sexual blueprint is turned on by direct genital contact, penetration, and can go from 0 to 100 in terms of arousal very quickly.
The energetic blueprint is turned on by space, tease, anticipation, presence, and eye contact.
The shapeshifter is turned on by all of the above, and likes variety, adventure, and lots of stimulation.
Most couples disconnects in the bedroom can be understood by the Erotic Blueprints which is why I have so much success working with couples in their sex lives.